Stride and Gait Analysis
Your Experience
We do not sell shoes based on color or style, but on fit and performance! Fit-Filosophy is the way we do business. We are recommended by doctors, podiatrists, massage therapists, physical therapists and trainers. We invite you to experience our Fit-Filosophy! We want to personalize your experience - - take this tour to see how our running experts combine new technology with unparalleled knowledge to give you the best shopping experience possible.
*Our stride and gait analysis is complimentary with a footwear or orthotic purchase.
If sold separately it is valued at $35.00.
Step 1: Tell Us About Yourself!
Whether you’re a walker, an avid runner, or working on your feet all day, we have the right shoe for you!
Our experts will want to know what activity you are using the shoes for. If you have an injury history, be sure to let us know. Training for something? We need to know that too!
If you have custom orthotics, please bring them with to your fitting.
Step 2: The Mirror
We begin the analysis by examining your posture and alignment. It is vital to understand that your feet are your foundation and the way that they support your body.
Step 3: Treadmill
Next we ask you to walk on the treadmill while we record you in motion. This allows us to provide you with further information about your bio-mechanics and how movement plays a role in choosing the right pair of shoes for you.
Step 4: ‘Albert’
Next, we scan your feet on ‘Albert’ our 3D scanner. This technology provides an interactive and unique experience to each customer. The scanner has over 5,000 sensors to capture images, measurements, and pressure points of your feet, assisting us in finding the best fitting footwear and orthotics for you.
Step 5: Let’s Try It On!
Our experts will select footwear and orthotics best suited for you based on what we have learned. With the information you have been given, you will make an educated decision on what shoe is perfect for you. Trust us, you will see and feel the difference!
Our Program Includes:
• Dartfish treadmill video analysis
• “Albert” multidimensional pressure scan
• Inspection of foot or irregularities
• Sizing of the foot sitting and standing
• Motion and flexibility evaluation
• Arch height evaluation
• Foot volume evaluation
• Injury history
• Use & mileage determination
• Surface use consideration
• Body mass
• Additional biomechanical determinants
• Lacing techniques
• Proper sock selection
• Orthotic fitting
• Additional stabilization of foot with footbeds
• Referral service for free injury screenings through an associative network of local health care professionals